It’s vital for truck drivers to get more than enough sleep while they’re out on the road. Studies have shown about 30 percent of fatal truck accidents take place as a direct result of fatigue. Falling asleep in the sleeper cab of your truck can be challenging, though. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can improve your chances of sleeping better when you’re on a road trip.
Why Sleep Matters for Truck Drivers
Truck driving demands constant alertness, quick reflexes, and the ability to make sound decisions. Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, impairs cognitive function, slows reaction times, and increases the likelihood of accidents.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) highlights that fatigue is a leading cause of truck-related crashes. Beyond safety, lack of sleep can lead to long-term health problems such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even mental health challenges like anxiety and depression.
For truck drivers, sleep isn’t just about feeling rested—it’s about staying alive and thriving on and off the road.
Start by finding the right place to park.
If you park your truck in the middle of a crowded rest stop right next to a busy highway at rush hour, you’re not going to be able to fall asleep easily. If, however, you find a nice, quiet rest stop with next to no trucks in it and limited traffic nearby, you’ll find that it’s easier to get to sleep. Choose your rest stops wisely to improve your sleep quality.
Invest in a good pair of foam earplugs.
It’s going to be impossible to block out all the noises inside and outside of your truck. If you have a refrigerated truck, it’s going to be especially hard to avoid noise. However, you can block out all of the random noises from in and around your truck by putting foam earplugs into your ears. Just don’t forget to figure out the best way to wake yourself up later on.
Steer clear of drinking too much caffeine at the end of your shift.
Many truck drivers throw back coffees, sodas, and energy drinks when they’re driving to keep themselves energized. It’s OK to do this during the first half of your shift, but once you start inching closer to the end of it, you should shut your caffeine intake down. Caffeine can’t keep you up when you’re trying to sleep if it’s not in your system.
If you’re a truck driver interested in picking up a new job, Platinum Drivers has the driver resources you need to make advancements in your career. Call us at 844-800-1421 today to see how we can help you.