How Truckers Can Pass the Time on Long Hauls

Truck drivers have something in common with touring musicians– both often travel far and wide for work and get to see parts of the state or country that others don’t get to see. With that in mind, there have got to be ways to have fun while truck driving, right? It’s not all work, work, work…

If you’re a truck driver and you spend a lot of time behind the wheel, there are certain things you can do to increase the amount of fun and/or good vibes in your life.

Professional driver sitting in truck cabin and driving while listening to audio book

Ways for Truckers to Pass Time on Their Long Hauls

For starters, a lot of truckers like to listen to the radio, podcasts and/or audiobooks while driving. Listening to something entertaining or informative helps the time go by quicker and it’s good to both laugh and learn. 

What about exploring new places? For instance, truckers can sometimes find nature spots near truck stops where they can hike, fish and/or camp– something a bit different than the same old, same old. It’s also a good idea to make taking photos and videos a hobby that’s done when not driving– and perhaps posting adventures on social media to show the interesting places visited! 

Some truckers make it a habit to collect mementos in their travels, such as magnets from various truck stops and/or keychains, mugs or postcards. 

Other truckers will figure out a way to exercise and/or workout in their cab, outside of their cab and/or at rest stops or nature trails. This is good for health and wellness, as it’s very important to move the body after sitting for long periods. 

For those who sleep overnight in their truck’s cab, perhaps cooking in the cab can make life interesting. Other things to do while parked include practicing an instrument, crafting, writing a journal, reading a good book, and/or enjoying streaming services watching videos or movies.  Truck drivers spend a lot of time away from home, but that doesn’t mean they can’t have fun while working and/or resting along their journey. Between hobbies, media and the great outdoors, there are lots of options to have fun on the road.

When you’re in between truck driving jobs, check out how Platinum Drivers can help.