Category: Driving a Truck

The Difficulties of Driving a Commercial Truck With High Winds Swirling

Platinum Drivers

Truck driving can be an incredibly rewarding job for a number of reasons, but it doesn’t come without its share of challenges. There are a wide range of obstacles that drivers face on the road every day, and transporting a semi-truck can be particularly difficult in the face of incredibly windy conditions. Drivers across the… Read more »

Truck Driving in the Winter

Semi truck driving in snowstorm

Driving in a snowstorm is a pain the know you-know-what for people that are driving a car, SUV or a passenger truck. The roads get slippery, the visibility gets cloudy and best of luck trying to stop on a dime if the roads are even a bit icy. As difficult as it is to drive… Read more »

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Career

Platinum Drivers

Whether you’re getting ready to finish school or you’re tired of your current job, we’re here to help. There are several factors to consider any time you decide to choose a career, including everything from the pay to how satisfied you would be with the work. Fortunately, there are several exciting industries currently in need… Read more »

A Worthwhile Career Path for Jobless Veterans

Platinum Drivers

After finishing their service in the military, many veterans have a difficult time finding a job that suits their lifestyle. Certain jobs may be difficult for veterans for certain physical reasons, or due to a lack of jobs being available for their specific skillset. A new career, such as becoming a truck driver could be… Read more »

Statistics About the Overall Wellness of Truck Drivers

Platinum Drivers

Recently insurance company Travelers held a symposium focused on truck drive health and wellness issues. Some of the statistics discussed included these: Approximately 1/4th of the U.S. commercial truck drivers on America’s roads suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, resulting in a crash risk up to 11 times higher than among non-commercial truck drivers. Roughly seven… Read more »

Free Parking For Truckers on the Job, Yay or Nay?

Platinum Drivers

Truckers around the country are finding it hard to find places to park while on a break for food, rest, or personal reasons. Though this is part of their long and tiring job, many business and companies do not provide ample amount of space to allow these breaks for truckers. Because of these actions, truckers… Read more »

Advice For Truck Drivers Beginning Their Career

Platinum Drivers

Truck driving is more than a job; it’s a lifestyle. Some people are cut out for it, while others aren’t. If staying at home with your spouse and young children matters a lot to you, don’t become a trucker. If seeing America while hauling tons of stuff behind you day after day sounds appealing, consider… Read more »

Why Truck Driving is an Advantageous Career Path

Platinum Drivers

For some people, their career path is chosen for them. Whether they are in line to take over the family business or come from a farming family, they know early on in life where they will make their living. However, most people are unsure of how they will make their living, even as they enter… Read more »

Happy National Truck Driver Appreciation Week!

Truck Driver Appreciation Week

It’s easy to take all the work that truck drivers do for granted. Hop on the highway at any time of year, any hour of the day, and you’re bound to encounter some commercial trucks transporting goods from one place to another. Truckers are constantly working to make sure things get to where they need,… Read more »