Author: platinumdrivers

What is the Interview Process Like for Commercial Truck Drivers?

Job Interview Process for Truck Drivers

The trucking industry is constantly on the lookout for new/more drivers. There’s a constant workforce shortage in North America and high turnover rates to boot. Recruiters use several methods to try and get potential applicants to be interviewed, to see if they’d be a good fit for various trucking company needs. Application and Resume Submission… Read more »

Sleep Recommendations for Truck Drivers

Exhausted truck driver falling asleep on steering wheel. Tiredness and sleeping concept.

It’s vital for truck drivers to get more than enough sleep while they’re out on the road. Studies have shown about 30 percent of fatal truck accidents take place as a direct result of fatigue. Falling asleep in the sleeper cab of your truck can be challenging, though. Let’s take a look at some of… Read more »

Avoid These Hiring Mistakes When Interviewing Truck Drivers

Woman executive interviewing potential truck driving candidate

Trying to hire truck drivers but you don’t want to make mistakes? Here are some tips to avoid mistakes when hiring truck drivers. Going With What’s Familiar For starters, it can be easy to hire someone who is familiar, right? “Well, Joe knows Bob and Bob is looking for work so I guess he’d be… Read more »

The First Year of Being a Truck Driver Might Be the Most Difficult

Young, first year truck driver in his cab

So you’re training to become a truck driver and you’re getting ready for your first year on the road. How will it go? The first year of being a truck driver might be the hardest. Everything’s new, after all– meeting new people, getting used to a new job, the truck you’ll drive, using new driving… Read more »

Why Might a Semi Truck Overheat?

Repairing Broken Semi Truck that Overheated

Do you drive a big rig or semi-truck? It’s summertime and temperatures are soaring to triple digits in many places. Can a 100-degree day be good for a truck? Probably not! What are some reasons why a semi-truck might overheat? Impeded Thermostat If your truck has a partially open or stuck shut thermostat you might… Read more »

How Truckers Can Reduce Safety Risks

Truck Driver with hands on steering wheel driving safely

Driving a truck is a big responsibility. What are some steps truckers can take to minimize safety risks? Defensive Driving Defensive driving is a mindset that truckers should adopt– it basically means always looking out for potential hazards and/or changes in driving/road conditions. The more aware a driver is of his or her surroundings, the… Read more »

How Truck Drivers Can Avoid Feeling Burned Out

Truck Drivers Avoiding Burnout

Like any job, trucking can get “old” and “tiresome.” When you do the same thing, over and over, for 40 to 90 hours a week, it can lead to burnout. Did you know that burnout is defined in the dictionary as “physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress?” Long Haul Burnout If the… Read more »

What Should Truck Drivers Do During a Snowstorm?

Semi Truck Driving in Blizzard Like Conditions

Truck drivers sometimes encounter bad snowstorms. If and when you’re a trucker and you’re faced with the task of driving through horrific winter conditions, what should you do? How should you handle driving during a snowstorm? Adapt to the Weather Quickly Well, like any situation, you learn to adapt to whatever comes your way, right?… Read more »

How to Stay Healthy in a Sedentary Job

Truck Driver

People who do a job where they stand on their feet for eight hours a day often envy people who don’t, such as truckers. Indeed, most truckers spend a good chunk of their time on the job sitting in the driver’s seat, watching the road, and getting their cargo to the places it needs to… Read more »